How to Hide Liked Videos and Followed Accounts on TikTok for Privacy

This article delves into the growing privacy concerns surrounding TikTok and offers valuable guidance on how users can safeguard their online presence. By learning how to hide liked videos and followed accounts on TikTok, individuals can take proactive steps towards enhancing their privacy and digital security. Additionally, the article will shed light on the TikTok privacy features, providing a comprehensive understanding of the impact these tools can have on users’ overall online experience.

 The image shows the steps to set your TikTok account to private, which will hide your liked videos from other users.

Hiding Liked Videos on TikTok

  • Privacy-conscious TikTok users can enhance their data protection by hiding liked videos through TikTok privacy features.
  • Take control over your liked video visibility by following these steps: Open TikTok app, locate the three-line menu in the top-right corner, choose ‘Privacy,’ select ‘Liked videos,’ and set visibility to ‘Only me.’

 A screenshot of a TikTok video showing three users, with text overlay saying "TikTok users are hiding their liked videos and followed accounts".

Impact of Hiding Privacy Features

By utilizing TikTok privacy features like hiding liked videos and followed accounts, users gain tighter control over their online presence. This restriction on viewing certain activities adds a layer of confidentiality, limiting others’ insights into personal interests and connections.

Enhanced privacy through the ability to see only those accounts that are mutually followed promotes a more secure online environment. It minimizes exposure to uninvited viewers, ensuring that interactions and preferences remain within a trusted circle, fostering a sense of safety and privacy on the platform.

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